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What is a vestigial organ? Give one example.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Vestigial Organ: A vestigial organ is an anatomical structure that was functional in the past but has lost its original function or has reduced functionality due to evolutionary changes.

2. Characteristics of Vestigial Organs: These organs are remnants of features that were once useful to an organism's ancestors. Over time, as species evolved and adapted to their environments, these organs became less necessary for survival.

3. Example of a Vestigial Organ: One well-known example of a vestigial organ is the tailbone, or coccyx, in humans. While our ancestors had functional tails that aided in balance and mobility, humans have evolved to have a coccyx, which is a small, fused structure at the end of the vertebral column that no longer serves the purpose of a tail.

4. Conclusion: Vestigial organs provide evidence of evolutionary history and demonstrate how species adapt over time, leading to changes in anatomical structures.

