What is summer stratification ? Explain.
Text Solution
Summer stratification: During summer in temperate lakes, the density of the surface water decreases because of increase in its temperature (21−25∘C). This upper more warm layer. of a lake is called epilimnion. Below the epilimnion there is a zone in which the temperature decreases at the age of 1∘C per meter in depth, and it is called thermocline or metalimnion. the bottom layer is the hypolimnion, where water is relatively cool, stagnant and with low oxygen content (due to absence of photosynthetic activity).
During autumn (also called Fall), the epilimnion cools down, and the surface water becomes heavy when the temperature is 4∘C, and sinks to the bottom of the lake. overturns bring about uniform temperature in lakes during that period. this circulation during the autumn is known as the fall or autumn overturn. the upper oxygen rich water reaches the hypoliminion and the nutrient rich bottom water comes to the surface. thus there is uniform distribution of nutrients and oxygen in the lake.
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