What is the Human Genome Project? What has been revealed about our gen so far?

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Human Genome Project is that which develops the ways of mapping the human geng at increasing fine level of precision and to store this information in databases and develops tools data analysis.
Human genome project reveals the following about our genome :
(i) The human gene count is much lower than expected approximately 30,000 to 40, genes.
(ii) The none-tenths of our genes are identical to other organisms. Drosophila and hun have only six times more genes than bacterium.
(iii) Humcns are identical with each other at the DNA level by 99.9 per cent. Different hu genes vary widely in the length often over thousands of base pairs.
(iv) Human contains about 3 billion base pairs per cell. The highly complex organisms more DNA and more proteins.
(v) The human genome contains 3164.7 million nucleotide bases. (vi) The average gene consists of 3000 bases but sizes vary greatly,
(vii) The functions are unknown for over 50 per cent of discovered genes.
(viii) Repeated sequences make up very large portion of the human genome.
(ix) Repeated sequences are stretches of DNA sequences that are repeated many sometimes hundred to thousand times.
(x) Scientists have identified about 1.4 million locations where single base DNA differe (SNPs-single nucleotide polymorphism) occur in humans.

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