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Wheat is meant by kharif crops ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Kharif Crops: Kharif crops are also known as monsoon crops or autumn crops. They are cultivated during the monsoon season.

2. Cultivation Period: These crops are typically sown with the onset of the monsoon in June and harvested by November. This period is crucial for the growth of kharif crops due to the availability of rainwater.

3. Characteristics: Kharif crops are usually grown in warm and humid conditions, which are ideal for their growth. They require a good amount of rainfall for proper development.

4. Examples of Kharif Crops: Some common examples of kharif crops include maize (corn) and bajra (pearl millet). These crops thrive in the conditions provided during the kharif season.

5. Conclusion: In summary, kharif crops are those that are cultivated during the monsoon season, from June to November, and include various domesticated plants that require specific climatic conditions for optimal growth.
