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Which factors determine the nature of alcoholic beverage produced ?

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To determine the nature of alcoholic beverages produced, we can break down the factors into two main categories: raw materials and the production process. Here’s a step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Identify the Raw Materials
The first factor that determines the nature of alcoholic beverages is the raw material used in their production. Different raw materials lead to different types of alcoholic beverages. For example:
- Beer is primarily made from barley.
- Wine is produced from grapes.
- Rum is derived from sugarcane.

Step 2: Understand the Production Process
The second factor is the production process involved in making the beverage. This can significantly affect the characteristics of the final product. There are two main types of processes:
- Without Distillation: Beverages like beer and wine are produced without distillation. This means that the alcohol content is generally lower.
- With Distillation: Beverages like rum are produced using distillation. This process concentrates the alcohol, resulting in a higher alcohol content.

Step 3: Compare Alcohol Content
The method of production directly influences the alcohol content of the beverage. Distilled drinks, such as rum, have a higher percentage of alcohol compared to non-distilled drinks like beer and wine.

In summary, the nature of alcoholic beverages is determined by:
1. The raw materials used (e.g., barley for beer, grapes for wine, sugarcane for rum).
2. The production process (distillation vs. non-distillation) which affects the alcohol concentration.
