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Who proposed the recapitulation theory ?


Miller and Urey


Sutton and Boven


Emst Haeckel


Oparin and Haldane

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Recapitulation Theory: The recapitulation theory suggests that the development of an individual organism (ontogeny) reflects the evolutionary history of that organism's species (phylogeny). This means that as an organism develops, it goes through stages that resemble the adult forms of its evolutionary ancestors.

2. Identifying the Proposer: The recapitulation theory was proposed by Ernst Haeckel, a German zoologist and philosopher. He famously summarized the theory with the phrase "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny."

3. Evaluating Other Options: The question may provide multiple-choice answers. It's important to differentiate Ernst Haeckel from other scientists mentioned:
- Miller and Urey are known for their work on the chemical origins of life.
- Sutton and Boveri contributed to the chromosomal theory of inheritance.
- Other scientists may also be linked to chemical or synthetic theories of evolution.

4. Conclusion: After evaluating the options and understanding the theory, we conclude that the correct answer to the question "Who proposed the recapitulation theory?" is Ernst Haeckel.

Final Answer: Ernst Haeckel proposed the recapitulation theory.

