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Why is cell division necessary ?

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Growth of Living Organisms:
- Cell division is essential for the growth of living organisms. As organisms grow, they need more cells to increase their size and support their functions.

2. Efficient Working of Cells:
- Cell division helps maintain the efficiency of cellular functions. As cells grow larger, they can become less efficient. Dividing into smaller cells allows for better nutrient absorption and waste removal.

3. Repairing and Healing:
- Cell division is crucial for repairing and healing tissues. For example, when the skin is cut, the cells around the wound divide to create new cells that help heal the injury.

4. Reproduction in Unicellular Organisms:
- In unicellular organisms, cell division is a means of reproduction. For instance, many unicellular organisms reproduce through a process called binary fission, where a single cell divides into two identical cells.

Final Summary:
Cell division is necessary for growth, efficient cellular function, repair and healing of tissues, and reproduction in unicellular organisms.

