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With a labeled diagram , describe the structure of human spinal cord.

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Tubular posterior extension of medulla oblogata is called the spinal cord . It comes out of the skull through an opening called 'Formen magnum ' , and is lodged within a cannal of the vertebral column . As in brain spinal cord is also covered by meaninges such as paimeter , archnoidmenter, durameter and CSF.
Cross section of sinal cord shows outer white matter and inner grey matter . White matter comprises of nerve fibres and grey matter comprises of cell bodies . Grey matter covers a central canal and appears in the form of letter H. In spinal cord there is a prominent cleft in the ventral side called ventral fissure . similarly there is a separating on the dorasal side called dorsal sulcus.
31 pairs of spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord. Each nerve is formed by the junction of two roots The dorsal root is little swollen and comprises sensory nerve fibre and the ventral root consist of motor nerve fibres . within this spinal cord the dorsal and ventral roots are connected by adjustor neurons.

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