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Write a note on Lillaceae family.

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It is commonly called the. Lily family..
Habitat : It is distributed world wide.
Vegetative characters : Perennial herbs with underground bulbs/ corms/ rhizomes.
Leaves : mostly basal, alternate, linear, exstipulate with parallel venation. Floral characters :
Inflorescence : Solitary/cymose, often umbellate clusters. Flower : Bisexual, actinomorphic.
Perianth : tepal slx (3+3), often united into tube, valvate aestivation. Androcium : Stamen six (3+3).
Gynoeclum : Tricarpellary , syncarpous , ovary superior , trilocular with many ovules : axile placentation.
Fruit : Capsule , rarely berry
Seed : Endospermous. Floral Formula : Br, ocr_image
Economic Importance : Many plants belonging to this family are good ornamentals (Pulip. Gloriosa), source of medicine (Aloe), vegetables (Asparagus) and colchicine (Colchicum autumnale ).
