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Write a note on the preventive measures to be taken against allergies.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Allergens:
- Allergens are substances that can cause allergic reactions when they enter the human body. Common allergens include pollen, dust particles, bacteria, and fungi.

2. Avoid Polluted Areas:
- One of the primary preventive measures is to avoid areas with high pollution levels. Pollutants can exacerbate allergic reactions.

3. Stay Away from Humid Regions:
- Humid environments can promote the growth of mold and dust mites, which are common allergens. It's advisable to avoid such regions.

4. Monitor Weather Conditions:
- Pay attention to weather changes, especially during pollen seasons. Staying indoors during high pollen counts can help reduce exposure.

5. Stay Hydrated:
- Drinking plenty of water helps to keep the body hydrated and can assist in flushing out allergens from the system.

6. Medication:
- If you have known allergies, consider taking antihistamines or other prescribed medications to manage symptoms effectively.

7. Food Allergens:
- Be cautious about food allergies. If you have an intolerance to certain foods, such as milk, it is essential to avoid consuming them to prevent allergic reactions.

8. Consult a Doctor:
- If you experience severe allergies, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options.
