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Step-by-Step Text Solution on Infundibulum

1. Definition and Location: The infundibulum is a part of the female reproductive system, specifically located at the beginning of the fallopian tube. It is the first section of the fallopian tube that connects to the ovary.

2. Shape and Structure: The infundibulum has a distinctive broad funnel-like shape. This structure is crucial for its function in the reproductive process.

3. Function: One of the primary functions of the infundibulum is to collect the mature ovum (egg) that is released from the ovary during ovulation.

4. Role of Fimbriae: The infundibulum is equipped with small, finger-like projections known as fimbriae. These fimbriae extend from the edge of the infundibulum and play a vital role in the process of capturing the ovum after it is released.

5. Connection to the Ampulla: After the infundibulum, the next section of the fallopian tube is called the ampulla. This is where the ovum is transported after being collected by the infundibulum.
