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Write a short note on threshing and winnowing.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Threshing:
Threshing is a process used in agriculture to separate the grains from the harvested crops. It involves the removal of the edible part of the grain from the chaff, which is the inedible husk or outer covering.

2. Method of Threshing:
Threshing can be performed using various methods, but one of the most common instruments used for this purpose is the combine harvester. This machine not only cuts the mature crops but also separates the grains from the chaff in one go.

3. Importance of Threshing:
Threshing is a crucial step in crop production as it ensures that the grains are separated efficiently, making them ready for further processing or storage.

4. Definition of Winnowing:
Winnowing is the process of separating the chaff from the grains after threshing. It involves removing the lightweight chaff, which is the husk that surrounds the grain.

5. Method of Winnowing:
This process is typically done by throwing the mixture of grains and chaff into the air from a certain height. The wind carries away the lighter chaff, while the heavier grains fall back down to the ground.

6. Manual Process:
Winnowing is often performed manually, where farmers use tools like winnowing baskets to facilitate the separation of chaff from the grain.

7. Conclusion:
Both threshing and winnowing are essential processes in agriculture that help in preparing the harvested crops for consumption or sale. Threshing focuses on separating different grains, while winnowing specifically targets the removal of chaff from the grains.
