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Write two distinctive features of Australopithecus.

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1. Connecting Link: Australopithecus is considered a connecting link between apes and humans, showcasing traits from both groups.

2. Cranial Capacity: Australopithecus had a smaller cranial capacity, approximately 600 cc, which is indicative of its primitive characteristics compared to modern humans.

3. Jaw Structure: The jaw of Australopithecus is U-shaped, resembling that of apes, which is distinct from the more parabolic jaw shape found in modern humans.

4. Eyebrow Ridge: Australopithecus possessed pronounced brow ridges above the eyes, a feature that is more ape-like than human-like.

5. Use of Tools: Evidence suggests that Australopithecus may have used stone tools for hunting, indicating an early form of tool use.

Distinctive Features of Australopithecus:
1. Smaller cranial capacity (about 600 cc) and U-shaped jaw structure.
2. Presence of pronounced brow ridges and evidence of tool use.

