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Write two points of difference between asexual and sexual types of reproduction. Describe why variations are observed in the offspring formed by sexual reproduction.

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1. Points of Difference Between Asexual and Sexual Reproduction:

- Point 1: Number of Parents Involved
- Asexual Reproduction: Involves only one parent organism. The offspring are produced without the involvement of gametes.
- Sexual Reproduction: Involves two parent organisms. It requires the formation of gametes (sperm and egg) through a process called meiosis.

- Point 2: Genetic Variation in Offspring
- Asexual Reproduction: The offspring are genetically identical to the parent organism, leading to no variation. They are clones of the parent.
- Sexual Reproduction: The offspring exhibit genetic variation because they inherit a combination of genes from both parents. This occurs due to the fusion of male and female gametes, resulting in a zygote.

2. Explanation of Variations in Offspring Formed by Sexual Reproduction:

- Variations in offspring produced by sexual reproduction arise from the combination of genetic material from two different parents. Each parent contributes half of the genetic information (DNA) to the offspring:
- Maternal DNA: Comes from the mother.
- Paternal DNA: Comes from the father.
- The fusion of gametes during fertilization creates a unique combination of genes, resulting in offspring that are genetically different from both parents. This genetic diversity is crucial for evolution and adaptation in changing environments.
