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Yucca is pollinated by


Pronuba Moth


Bumble Bee


Honey Bee



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Text Solution
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The correct Answer is:A

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Identify the Plant: The question asks about the pollination of the Yucca plant.

2. Understand the Pollination Process: Pollination is a process where pollen is transferred from the male part of a flower to the female part, allowing fertilization to occur.

3. Consider the Options: The options provided are:
- Planoba moss
- Bumblebee
- Honeybee
- Butterfly

4. Research the Pollinator: Yucca plants have a specific relationship with a particular pollinator. Research indicates that the Yucca plant is primarily pollinated by a specific type of moth.

5. Identify the Correct Moth: The moth that pollinates the Yucca is known as the Tegeticula yuccasella, also referred to as the Pronuba moth.

6. Describe the Mating and Pollination Process: In spring, adult Yucca moths emerge from underground cocoons. The male and female moths meet on the Yucca plant to mate. During this process, the moths also facilitate the pollination of the Yucca flowers.

7. Conclude the Answer: Therefore, the correct answer to the question "Yucca is pollinated by" is the Pronuba moth (Tegeticula yuccasella).

Final Answer: Yucca is pollinated by the Pronuba moth.

