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Zygospore is formed from


gametic fusion


gametic division





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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Zygospore: A zygospore is a type of spore that is formed during the sexual reproduction of certain fungi and algae. It is a thick-walled resting spore that can withstand unfavorable conditions.

2. Formation Process: Zygospores are formed through a process called gametangial copulation. This involves the fusion of two gametangia, which are the sexual organs in fungi.

3. Gametangial Fusion: During gametangial copulation, two gametangia of different sexes (male and female) come together. This fusion results in the formation of a fertilization tube.

4. Migration of Gametes: Within this fertilization tube, male gametes migrate into the female gametangium, leading to fertilization.

5. Resulting Structure: After fertilization occurs, the zygote develops into a zygospore, which is a diploid structure that can undergo meiosis to produce haploid spores when conditions are favorable.

6. Correct Answer: Based on the above explanation, zygospore is formed from gametic fusion. This is the correct answer to the question.

