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A substance that alters the speed of a chemical reaction but does not take part in the reaction

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks for a substance that can change the speed of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. This means we are looking for a specific type of substance in chemistry.

2. Identifying the Substance: The substance that fits this description is known as a catalyst. Catalysts are crucial in many chemical reactions as they help to speed up the reaction without undergoing any permanent change themselves.

3. Function of a Catalyst: Catalysts work by providing an alternative pathway for the reaction to occur, which lowers the activation energy required for the reaction. This results in an increased rate of reaction.

4. Example of a Catalyst in Action: A common example of a catalyst is seen in the reaction between carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen gas (H2) to produce methanol (CH3OH). In this reaction, zinc oxide (ZnO) or chromium(III) oxide (Cr2O3) can be used as catalysts. These substances help speed up the reaction without being consumed in the process.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the answer to the question is that the substance which alters the speed of a chemical reaction but does not take part in the reaction is called a catalyst.

