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All compounds of alkali metals are easily soluble in water but lithium compounds are more soluble in organic solvents. Explain.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Alkali Metals:
- Alkali metals include lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and francium (Fr). All these metals form compounds that are generally soluble in water.

2. Properties of Lithium:
- Lithium is the smallest alkali metal, which gives it unique properties compared to other alkali metals.

3. Polarizing Power:
- Due to its small size, lithium has a high polarizing power. Polarizing power refers to the ability of a cation to distort the electron cloud of an anion.

4. Covalent Character:
- According to Fajans' rules, a cation with high polarizing power tends to form compounds with more covalent character. Thus, lithium compounds exhibit a greater degree of covalent character compared to those of other alkali metals.

5. Solubility in Water vs. Organic Solvents:
- Water is a polar solvent, while organic solvents are generally non-polar or less polar. The principle of "like dissolves like" states that substances with similar polarities tend to dissolve in each other.

6. Conclusion:
- Since lithium compounds have a more covalent character, they are more compatible with organic solvents (which are covalent) than with water (which is ionic). Therefore, lithium compounds are more soluble in organic solvents than in water.

Final Explanation:
In summary, lithium compounds are more soluble in organic solvents because they exhibit a higher covalent character due to lithium's small size and high polarizing power, making them more compatible with the covalent nature of organic solvents compared to the ionic nature of water.

