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Choose the correct statements from the following.


Beryllium is not readily attacked by acids because of the presence of an oxide film on the surface of the metal


Beryllium sulphate is readily soluble in water as the greater hydration enthalpy of Be2+ overcomes the lattice ethalpy factor


Beryllium exhibits coordination number more than four


Beryllium oxide is purely acidic in nature

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The correct Answer is:A, B

To solve the question of identifying the correct statements regarding Beryllium and its compounds, we will analyze each statement one by one.

1. Statement A: Beryllium is not readily attacked by acid because of the presence of an oxide film on the surface of the metal.
- Analysis: This statement is true. Beryllium forms a protective oxide layer on its surface, which prevents it from reacting with acids and other corrosive substances. This oxide film acts as a barrier, making Beryllium resistant to acid attack.
- Conclusion: Correct Statement.

2. Statement B: Beryllium sulphate is readily soluble in water as the greater hydration enthalpy of Beryllium 2+ overcomes the lattice enthalpy factor.
- Analysis: This statement is also true. Beryllium ions (Be²⁺) have a high hydration enthalpy, which means they can interact strongly with water molecules. This strong interaction helps to overcome the lattice enthalpy of Beryllium sulphate, making it soluble in water.
- Conclusion: Correct Statement.

3. Statement C: Beryllium exhibits a coordination number of more than 4.
- Analysis: This statement is true as well. Beryllium can exhibit coordination numbers greater than 4 in certain complexes. For example, in beryllium chloride (BeCl₂), Beryllium has a coordination number of 4, but in other complexes, it can exhibit a coordination number of 6.
- Conclusion: Correct Statement.

4. Statement D: Beryllium oxide is purely acidic in nature.
- Analysis: This statement is incorrect. Beryllium oxide (BeO) is amphoteric, meaning it can react with both acids and bases. It is not purely acidic; rather, it has both acidic and basic properties.
- Conclusion: Incorrect Statement.

Final Assessment:
- Correct Statements: A, B, C
- Incorrect Statement: D
