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Define the following

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Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding the Concept: Decantation is a method used to separate mixtures, particularly when dealing with liquids and solids.

2. Process Description: In decantation, the clear liquid is carefully poured out from a container, leaving behind the solid particles or sediment that have settled at the bottom.

3. Relation to Sedimentation: Before decantation occurs, sedimentation takes place. This is when solid impurities in the liquid settle down due to gravity, forming a layer at the bottom of the container.

4. Final Definition: Therefore, decantation can be defined as the process of pouring out the clear liquid from a mixture without disturbing the sediment that has settled at the bottom.

Final Definition: Decantation is the process of pouring out the clear liquid without disturbing the sediment.

