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Define the following terms

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Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Precipitate:
A precipitate is a solid that forms and separates from a liquid solution during a chemical reaction.

2. Formation of Precipitate:
When two aqueous solutions containing ions are mixed, they can react to form an insoluble salt. This insoluble salt is what we refer to as a precipitate.

3. Example of Precipitate Formation:
For example, when silver nitrate (AgNO3) is mixed with sodium chloride (NaCl), a reaction occurs:
- The ions Ag⁺ (from AgNO3) and Cl⁻ (from NaCl) combine to form silver chloride (AgCl), which is an insoluble salt.
- The reaction can be represented as:
- Here, AgCl is the precipitate that forms and settles at the bottom of the test tube as a solid.

4. Visual Representation:
In a test tube containing the mixed solutions, you would observe a white solid (AgCl) forming at the bottom, indicating the presence of a precipitate.

5. Conclusion:
Thus, a precipitate is an insoluble solid that emerges from a liquid solution as a result of a chemical reaction between soluble reactants.

