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Define the term used in metallurgy.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Roasting:
Roasting is a metallurgical process used to extract metals from their sulphide ores.

2. Process Description:
- The process involves heating the metal sulphide ore above its melting point.
- This heating occurs in the presence of a sufficient supply of air (which contains oxygen).

3. Chemical Reaction:
- During roasting, the sulphide ore is converted into its respective metal oxide.
- For example, when zinc sulphide (ZnS), which is known as zinc blend, is roasted, it reacts with oxygen to form zinc oxide (ZnO) and releases sulphur dioxide (SO₂) gas.

4. Example Reaction:
- The reaction can be represented as:

5. Further Processing:
- The produced metal oxide (e.g., ZnO) can then be reduced using carbon to obtain the free metal (e.g., zinc).
- The reduction reaction can be represented as:

6. Application:
- Roasting is particularly used for extracting metals that have moderate reactivity, such as zinc, iron, and lead.

