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Define the terms elements, compounds & mixtures with a view to show their basic difference.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

Step 1: Define Elements
- Elements are the simplest form of matter that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. They are pure substances and consist of only one type of atom. Examples include hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), carbon (C), and nitrogen (N).

Step 2: Define Compounds
- Compounds are substances formed when two or more different elements chemically combine in fixed proportions. Compounds are also pure substances, and they have distinct properties that are different from the individual elements that compose them. Examples of compounds include water (H₂O), which is made of hydrogen and oxygen, and carbon dioxide (CO₂), which is made of carbon and oxygen.

Step 3: Define Mixtures
- Mixtures are combinations of two or more substances (elements or compounds) that are not chemically bonded together. The components of a mixture retain their individual properties and can be separated by physical means. Examples of mixtures include washing soda and chalk powder.

Step 4: Show Basic Differences
- Elements: Pure substances made of one type of atom; cannot be broken down.
- Compounds: Pure substances made of two or more different elements chemically combined; have unique properties.
- Mixtures: Combinations of two or more substances that retain their individual properties; can be separated physically.
