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Discuss any two chemical properties of methane.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

Step 1: Introduction to Methane
Methane (CH₄) is the simplest alkane and is a colorless, odorless gas at room temperature. It is a significant component of natural gas and is widely used as a fuel.

Step 2: Chemical Property 1 - Combustion
One of the primary chemical properties of methane is its ability to undergo combustion. When methane reacts with oxygen, it produces carbon dioxide and water, releasing a significant amount of heat energy in the process. This reaction can be represented by the following chemical equation:


This property makes methane an excellent fuel for heating and energy production, as it generates a large amount of heat.

Step 3: Chemical Property 2 - Production of Carbon Dioxide
Another important chemical property of methane is its use in the industrial production of carbon dioxide. Methane can be oxidized to produce carbon dioxide, which is a crucial gas in various industrial processes. This reaction is also significant in the context of environmental science, as the combustion of methane contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

The process can be summarized as follows:

1. Methane is burned in the presence of oxygen.
2. This leads to the formation of carbon dioxide and water.

Step 4: Conclusion
In summary, two key chemical properties of methane are its ability to undergo combustion, releasing a large amount of heat, and its use in the industrial production of carbon dioxide. These properties highlight the significance of methane in both energy production and industrial applications.

