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Discuss the pattern of variation in the oxidation states of (i) B to Tl and (ii) C to Pb.

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a. Electronic configuration of group 13 elements is ns2np2. B and Al have noble gas core beneath the valence shell electron, whereas Ga,In and TI have fully filled lesser shielding d and or f-orbital present in-between the noble gas core and valence electron. Since d and f orbitals have lesser shielding effect, Ga, in and Ti exhibit inert part effect, whereas B and Al do not. Hence, B and Al exhibit only one stable oxidation state, i.e. +3, whereas Ga,In and TI due to inert pair effect shows as oxidation state of +1 also, besides group oxidation state of +3.
Down the group (), stability of lower oxidation state (+1) increases, i.e. Ga<Tn<TI, whereas that of higher oxidation state (+3) decreases, i.e.Ga>In>TI
b. Electronic configuration of group 14 elements in ns2np2.C and Si have noble gas core beneath the valence shell electrons, whereas Ge,Sn and Pb have fully filled lesser shielding d- and or f-orbital in between the noble gas core and valence shell electrons.
Shielding effect varies in the order:ns>np>nd>nf. Hence,C and Si do not exhibit inert pair effect, whereas Ge,Sn and Pb exhibit inert pair effect. Consequently, C and Si shows as oxidation state, +4 (group oxidation state), whereas Ge,Sn and Pb,besides showing group oxidation state of +4, also shows an oxidation state of +2.Stability of higher oxidation state (+4) decreases down the group (),Ge>Sn>Pb,whereas that of lower oxidation state (+2) increases:Ge<Sn<Pb.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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