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Explain the following terms :

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Polypeptides:
Polypeptides are biomolecules that consist of a chain of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. They are essential components of proteins and play crucial roles in biological functions.

2. Composition:
Polypeptides are composed of repeating units of amino acids. Each amino acid is connected to the next through a specific type of bond known as a peptide bond.

3. Formation of Peptide Bonds:
A peptide bond is formed through a dehydration synthesis reaction, where the carboxyl group of one amino acid reacts with the amino group of another, releasing a molecule of water.

4. Length of Polypeptides:
Polypeptides typically consist of fewer than 100 amino acids. When the chain exceeds 100 amino acids, it is classified as a protein rather than a polypeptide.

5. Types of Polypeptides:
There are various types of polypeptides, which can differ in their sequence of amino acids, leading to diverse functions and properties.
