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Explain the mechanism of esterification. Write the reactions involved in dehydration of 1,2 and 3 alcohols

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The esterification of carboxylic acid with alcohol is nucleophillic acyclic substution. The carboxylic acid is protonated on its carboxyl oxygen atom. Alcohol acts as a nucleophile and attacks carboxyl carbon thus loss of proton gives ester hydrates.
Further one of the -OH group of ester hydrate gets protonated and looses a molecule of water
Reaction involved in dehydration of 1,2 and 3 alcohols.
Primary alcohol is dehydrated by heating with 95% H2SO4 at 443 K
HHCHHCHOEthanolH95%H2SO4−−−−−−−−443KHEthene⎜ ⎜HC=HC⎟ ⎟H
Secondary alcohol is dehydratd by heating with 60% H2SO4 at 373 K
Tertiary alcohol is dehydrated by heating with 20% H2SO4 at 373 K
CH3CH3CH3OH2methly - 2 Propanol20%H2SO4−−−−−−−−373KCH3CH2+CH3H2O2-methyl prop -2-ene
