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Explain the terms:

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Interfaces:
- Interfaces refer to the boundary or surface where two immiscible phases of a dispersion come into contact. This means that interfaces are the regions that separate different states of matter.

2. Types of Interfaces:
- Interfaces can involve different combinations of states of matter. The common types of interfaces include:
- Liquid-Liquid Interface: This occurs when two immiscible liquids come into contact, such as oil and water.
- Liquid-Gas Interface: This is the boundary between a liquid and a gas, for example, the surface of water in a glass exposed to air.
- Liquid-Solid Interface: This occurs when a liquid is in contact with a solid, such as water in contact with ice.
- Solid-Gas Interface: This is the boundary between a solid and a gas, such as the surface of a solid object exposed to air.

3. Importance of Interfaces:
- Interfaces play a crucial role in various physical and chemical processes, including adsorption, catalysis, and the behavior of emulsions and foams.

4. Examples of Interfaces:
- A common example of a liquid-liquid interface is the separation of oil and water in a mixture. The surface tension at the interface can affect the stability of emulsions.
- An example of a solid-gas interface can be seen in the adsorption of gases on solid surfaces, which is important in catalysis and environmental science.
