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Explain the terms sorption and desorption .

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Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Define Sorption
- Sorption is a general term that refers to the process by which one substance becomes attached to another. It encompasses two specific processes: adsorption and absorption.
- Adsorption is the process where molecules adhere to the surface of a solid or liquid.
- Absorption is when one substance is taken up into the bulk of another substance.

Step 2: Explain Adsorption
- In adsorption, the molecules of a gas or liquid adhere to the surface of a solid or liquid, forming a thin film. This process is influenced by various factors such as temperature, pressure, and the nature of the adsorbent and adsorbate.

Step 3: Define Desorption
- Desorption is the reverse process of adsorption. It refers to the removal of adsorbate molecules from the surface of the adsorbent. This can occur when the conditions change, such as an increase in temperature or a decrease in pressure, allowing the adsorbate to leave the surface.

Step 4: Summarize the Relationship
- In summary, sorption is the combined process of adsorption and absorption, while desorption is the process of removing adsorbed substances from an adsorbent.
