Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Explain why :
Boiled or distilled water tastes flat.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Water Composition: Water, in its natural state, contains various dissolved minerals, salts, and gases. These components contribute to the flavor profile of water.

2. Boiling Water: When water is boiled, the heat causes some of the dissolved gases (like oxygen and carbon dioxide) to escape into the air. This process reduces the overall content of dissolved substances in the water.

3. Distillation Process: Distilled water is produced by boiling water and then condensing the steam back into liquid. This process also removes impurities, minerals, and dissolved gases, resulting in very pure water.

4. Lack of Minerals and Gases: Both boiled and distilled water lack the minerals (like calcium and magnesium) and gases that are typically found in natural water sources. These minerals and gases are what give water its characteristic taste.

5. Taste Perception: The absence of these components makes boiled or distilled water taste "flat" or bland, as there are no flavor-enhancing minerals or gases present.

Final Explanation: Therefore, boiled or distilled water tastes flat because it lacks the dissolved minerals, salts, and gases that contribute to the flavor of natural water.

