Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Find the number pair of ions which have same outermost E.C.
Set I : (Ac3+,Th4+), (Th3+,Pa4+), Pa3+,U4+), (U3+,Np4+), (Np3+,Pu4+), Pu3+,Am4+), (Am3+,Cm4+), (Cm3+,Bk4+), (Bk3+,Cf4+), (Cf3+,Es4+), (Es3+,Fm4+), (Fm3+,Md4+), (Md3+,No4+), (No3+,Lr4+)
Set II : (La2+,Ce3+), (Ce2+,Pr3+), (Pr2+,Nd3+), (Nd2+,Pm3+), (Pm2+,Sm3+), (Sm2+,Eu3+), (Eu2+,Gd3+), (Gd2+,Tb3+), (Tb2+,Dy3+), (Dy2+,(Ho3+), (Er2+,Tm3+), (Tn2+,Yb3+), (Yb2+,(Lu3+)
If the value of set I is 'x' and set II is 'y', then find |xy|.

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The correct Answer is:2

Expect these two pairs, all other pairs have same outermost E.C.
