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Give a reason why
Addition of zinc nitrate to water is a physical change but, addition of zinc to dilute nitric acid is a chemical change.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Physical Change: A physical change is a change in which the substance retains its chemical properties and identity. It can often be reversed, and no new substances are formed.

2. Addition of Zinc Nitrate to Water: When zinc nitrate (Zn(NO3)2) is added to water, it dissolves and dissociates into zinc ions (Zn²⁺) and nitrate ions (NO3⁻). This process involves breaking ionic bonds but does not involve any chemical reaction. The zinc nitrate retains its chemical identity and properties.

3. Reversibility of the Process: The process of dissolving zinc nitrate in water is reversible. If the water is evaporated, zinc nitrate can be recovered in its original form. This indicates that no new substance has been formed, confirming that it is a physical change.

4. Understanding Chemical Change: A chemical change involves a transformation that alters the chemical composition of a substance, resulting in the formation of one or more new substances.

5. Addition of Zinc to Dilute Nitric Acid: When zinc is added to dilute nitric acid (HNO3), a chemical reaction occurs. Zinc reacts with nitric acid to produce zinc nitrate, nitric oxide (NO), and water (H2O). This reaction changes the chemical identity of zinc, as it transforms into a different substance (zinc nitrate).

6. Formation of New Substances: In this reaction, new products are formed (zinc nitrate, nitric oxide, and water), and the original zinc no longer retains its properties. This change is not reversible in the same way as the physical change, confirming that it is a chemical change.

7. Conclusion: Therefore, the addition of zinc nitrate to water is a physical change because it dissolves without altering its chemical identity, while the addition of zinc to dilute nitric acid is a chemical change because it results in the formation of new substances with different properties.
