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Give reasons for the below points.
What are inexhaustible natural resources give two examples?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Inexhaustible Natural Resources:
- Inexhaustible natural resources are those resources that are not depleted when used. They are naturally replenished and will not run out over time.

2. Definition:
- An inexhaustible natural resource is defined as a resource that never runs out or gets depleted, regardless of how much it is used.

3. Characteristics:
- These resources are abundant and can be harnessed continuously without the fear of them being exhausted. They are part of the natural environment and are consistently available.

4. Examples:
- Two common examples of inexhaustible natural resources are:
- Wind: Wind energy is generated from the movement of air and can be harnessed using wind turbines. It is constantly available as long as the sun shines and the Earth rotates.
- Solar Energy: Solar energy is derived from sunlight. It can be captured using solar panels and is available as long as the sun exists.

Final Answer:
Inexhaustible natural resources are those that never run out or get depleted. Examples include wind and solar energy.

