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Give the main function Enzymes in the body of human beings ?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Enzymes: Enzymes are biological catalysts, which means they are substances that speed up chemical reactions in the body without being consumed in the process.

2. Composition: Enzymes are primarily proteins, which are made up of amino acids. Their specific structure allows them to interact with substrates (the substances they act upon) in a highly specific manner.

3. Main Function: The main function of enzymes in the human body is to accelerate biochemical reactions. This includes breaking down food into nutrients during digestion, as well as facilitating various metabolic processes.

4. Role in Digestion: Enzymes play a crucial role in the digestive system. For example, amylase breaks down carbohydrates, proteases break down proteins, and lipases break down fats. These enzymes ensure that nutrients are efficiently extracted from food.

5. Role in Liver Function: Enzymes are also vital for liver function, where they help in detoxifying harmful substances, metabolizing drugs, and processing nutrients.

6. Conclusion: Overall, enzymes are essential for maintaining various physiological processes in the human body, ensuring that metabolic reactions occur at a rate sufficient to sustain life.
