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Give the structures of A, B and C in the following reactions:
(i) CH3BrKCNALiAlH4()BHNO2−−−−273KC
(ii) CH3COOHNH3−−−−ΔABr2+KOH−−−−−BCHCl3+NaOH−−−−−−−−C

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To solve the problem, we will break down the reactions step by step to identify the structures of A, B, and C for both reaction sequences.

Reaction Sequence (i)
1. Starting Compound: CHBr
- This is methyl bromide, a haloalkane.

2. Reaction with KCN:
- The nucleophile CN⁻ from KCN attacks the carbon atom of CH₃Br, leading to the substitution of the bromine atom.
- Product A: CHCN (Acetonitrile)

3. Reduction with LiAlH₄:
- Lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH₄) is a strong reducing agent that reduces nitriles to primary amines.
- Product B: CHCHNH (Ethylamine)

4. Reaction with HNO₂:
- The primary amine reacts with nitrous acid (HNO₂) to form an unstable diazonium salt, which decomposes to form an alcohol or gas.
- In this case, the product is C which is CHOH (Methanol) after the reaction.

Summary for Reaction Sequence (i):
- A: CHCN (Acetonitrile)
- B: CHCHNH (Ethylamine)
- C: CHOH (Methanol)


Reaction Sequence (ii)
1. Starting Compound: CHCOOH
- This is acetic acid.

2. Reaction with NH₃:
- Ammonia reacts with acetic acid to form an ammonium salt.
- Product A: CHCONH (Ammonium acetate)

3. Heating the Ammonium Salt:
- Heating leads to the loss of water (dehydration), forming an amide.
- Product B: CHCONH (Acetamide)

4. Reaction with Br₂ + KOH:
- This is the Hofmann degradation reaction, where acetamide is converted to ethylamine.
- Product C: CHNH (Methylamine)

5. Reaction with CHCl₃ + NaOH:
- This reaction converts the amine group into a nitrile (via the formation of isocyanate).
- Final Product C: CHN=C (Methyl isocyanate)

Summary for Reaction Sequence (ii):
- A: CHCONH (Ammonium acetate)
- B: CHCONH (Acetamide)
- C: CHN=C (Methyl isocyanate)


Final Structures:
- For Reaction (i):

- For Reaction (ii):
- C: CHN=C

Updated on:18/9/2024

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