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Glucose does not react with :




conc H N O 3


acetic anhydride


sodium bisulphite

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The correct Answer is:D

To determine which substance glucose does not react with, we will analyze each option provided in the question.

1. Identify the Options: The options given are:
- Option 1: Hydroxyl amine
- Option 2: Concentrated nitric acid
- Option 3: Acetic anhydride
- Option 4: Sodium bisulfite

2. Analyze Reaction with Hydroxyl Amine:
- Glucose has an aldehyde group, which can react with hydroxyl amine to form glucose monooxime.
- The reaction involves the formation of a double bond between the nitrogen of hydroxyl amine and the carbon of the aldehyde group, resulting in the release of water.
- Conclusion: Glucose reacts with hydroxyl amine.

3. Analyze Reaction with Concentrated Nitric Acid:
- Concentrated nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent. It can oxidize glucose to gluconic acid (a carboxylic acid).
- The aldehyde group in glucose is oxidized to a carboxyl group.
- Conclusion: Glucose reacts with concentrated nitric acid.

4. Analyze Reaction with Acetic Anhydride:
- Acetic anhydride can react with the hydroxyl groups of glucose to form glucose pentaacetate through esterification.
- Each hydroxyl group in glucose can react with acetic anhydride, leading to the formation of acetyl derivatives.
- Conclusion: Glucose reacts with acetic anhydride.

5. Analyze Reaction with Sodium Bisulfite:
- Sodium bisulfite typically reacts with free aldehyde groups. However, in the cyclic form of glucose (which is its predominant form), the aldehyde group is not free due to the formation of a hemiacetal.
- Therefore, sodium bisulfite cannot react with glucose.
- Conclusion: Glucose does not react with sodium bisulfite.

6. Final Conclusion:
- After analyzing all options, we find that glucose does not react with sodium bisulfite. Therefore, the correct answer is Option 4: Sodium bisulfite.
