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How are polymers classified on the basis of molecular forces?

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Classification of proteins on the basis of molecular shapes are :
Fibrous proteins : the proteins in which the polypeptide chains lie parallel (side by side) to from fiber-like structure are called fibrous proteins. The polypeptide chains held together by hydrogen bonds.
These proteins are insoluble in water.
The fibrous proteins are tough and insoluble in water, and dilute acids or bases. Example : myocin (in muscles), keratin (in hair , nails, skin), fibroin (in silk), collagen (in tendons), etc.
Globular proteins : The proteins are folded to form spherical structure and have intramolecular hydrogen bonding are called globular proteins. They are soluble in water and dilure acids or bases.
Example : Haemoglobin (in blood), albumin (in eggs), insulin (in pancreas), etc.
