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How is ethyl methanoate converted into propan-2-ol ?

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To convert ethyl methanoate into propan-2-ol, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the structure of ethyl methanoate
Ethyl methanoate (also known as ethyl formate) has the structure:
- Ethyl group (C2H5) attached to a methanoate (formate) group (HCOO).
- Its chemical formula is C3H6O2.

Step 2: React ethyl methanoate with a Grignard reagent
We will use a Grignard reagent, specifically methyl magnesium bromide (CH3MgBr), to add a methyl group to the carbonyl carbon of ethyl methanoate. The reaction can be represented as follows:
- Methyl magnesium bromide (CH3MgBr) will attack the carbonyl carbon of ethyl methanoate, leading to the formation of a tetrahedral intermediate.

Step 3: Formation of the intermediate
When the Grignard reagent attacks, the carbonyl bond (C=O) breaks, and the oxygen becomes negatively charged (alkoxide ion). The structure now has an additional methyl group attached to the carbon, resulting in a new compound:
- The intermediate formed is a tertiary alcohol after the reaction with the Grignard reagent.

Step 4: Protonation of the alkoxide
The alkoxide ion formed in the previous step will be protonated by adding water (H2O) or a dilute acid (like HCl) to yield the corresponding alcohol. This step converts the alkoxide back to the alcohol form.

Step 5: Reduction of the ketone
The product from the previous steps is a ketone. To convert this into propan-2-ol, we can reduce it using lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4). This will convert the ketone into the corresponding secondary alcohol, propan-2-ol.

Final Product
After reduction, the final product is propan-2-ol (C3H8O), which is the desired alcohol.

Summary of Steps:
1. React ethyl methanoate with methyl magnesium bromide (Grignard reagent).
2. Form a tetrahedral intermediate.
3. Protonate the alkoxide to form a ketone.
4. Reduce the ketone with lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4) to obtain propan-2-ol.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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