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How is propionic acid converted to pentan-3-one?

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To convert propionic acid to pentan-3-one, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert Propionic Acid to Propionyl Chloride
- Reaction: Propionic acid (C2H5COOH) is reacted with thionyl chloride (SOCl2).
- Equation:
- Explanation: This reaction converts the carboxylic acid into an acyl chloride (propionyl chloride).

Step 2: Prepare Grignard Reagent
- Reaction: Ethyl bromide (C2H5Br) is reacted with magnesium (Mg) in dry ether to form the Grignard reagent.
- Equation:
- Explanation: The Grignard reagent (C2H5MgBr) acts as a nucleophile in the next step.

Step 3: React Grignard Reagent with Propionyl Chloride
- Reaction: The Grignard reagent (C2H5MgBr) is reacted with propionyl chloride (C2H5COCl).
- Equation:
- Explanation: The nucleophilic carbon of the Grignard reagent attacks the carbonyl carbon of the acyl chloride, leading to the formation of a tertiary alcohol.

Step 4: Convert the Tertiary Alcohol to Pentan-3-one
- Reaction: The resulting tertiary alcohol is dehydrated to form pentan-3-one.
- Equation:
- Explanation: The dehydration process involves the removal of water to yield pentan-3-one.

Final Product
- The final product of this series of reactions is pentan-3-one (C5H10O).

