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How many unpaired of electron are present in O2

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To determine the number of unpaired electrons in the O2 ion, we will use the molecular orbital theory. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Determine the total number of electrons in O2
- Oxygen (O) has an atomic number of 8, meaning each oxygen atom has 8 electrons.
- Therefore, O2 has 8+8=16 electrons.
- The O2 ion has one extra electron due to the negative charge, bringing the total to 16+1=17 electrons.

Step 2: Write the electron configuration for O2
- The electron configuration for O2 is:
- 1s2 (2 electrons)
- 2s2 (2 electrons)
- 2p4 (4 electrons)
- For O2, we add one more electron to the 2p orbital:
- 1s2 (2 electrons)
- 2s2 (2 electrons)
- 2p5 (5 electrons)

Step 3: Fill the molecular orbitals
- The molecular orbital filling order for O2 and O2 is as follows:
1. σ1s (2 electrons)
2. σ1s (0 electrons)
3. σ2s (2 electrons)
4. σ2s (0 electrons)
5. σ2pz (2 electrons)
6. π2px (2 electrons)
7. π2py (2 electrons)
8. π2px (1 electron) - the additional electron goes here

Step 4: Count the unpaired electrons
- In the O2 configuration:
- σ1s: 2 (paired)
- σ1s: 0
- σ2s: 2 (paired)
- σ2s: 0
- σ2pz: 2 (paired)
- π2px: 2 (paired)
- π2py: 2 (paired)
- π2px: 1 (unpaired)

- There is 1 unpaired electron in the O2 ion.
