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How will you convert benzenediazonium chloride into:
(i) benzene, (ii) anisole and (iii) phenylhydrazine?

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To convert benzenediazonium chloride into benzene, anisole, and phenylhydrazine, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Conversion of Benzenediazonium Chloride to Benzene
1. Starting Compound: Benzenediazonium chloride (C6H5N2Cl).
2. Reagent: Treat it with hypophosphorous acid (H3PO2).
3. Reaction: The reaction will lead to the elimination of nitrogen gas (N2) and the formation of benzene (C6H6).
4. Equation:

Step 2: Conversion of Benzenediazonium Chloride to Anisole
1. Starting Compound: Benzenediazonium chloride (C6H5N2Cl).
2. Reagent: Perform hydrolysis to convert it to phenol (C6H5OH).
3. Reaction: The reaction will produce phenol and nitrogen gas.
4. Equation:
5. Next Step: React phenol with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to form sodium phenoxide.
6. Reaction:
7. Final Step: React sodium phenoxide with methyl bromide (CH3Br) to form anisole (C6H5OCH3).
8. Equation:

Step 3: Conversion of Benzenediazonium Chloride to Phenylhydrazine
1. Starting Compound: Benzenediazonium chloride (C6H5N2Cl).
2. Reagents: Use stannous chloride (SnCl2) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) along with sodium sulfide (Na2S).
3. Reaction: This will lead to the formation of phenylhydrazine (C6H5NH-NH2) from benzenediazonium chloride.
4. Equation:

Summary of Conversions
- Benzene: Formed by treating benzenediazonium chloride with hypophosphorous acid.
- Anisole: Formed by hydrolyzing benzenediazonium chloride to phenol, then reacting phenol with NaOH and CH3Br.
- Phenylhydrazine: Formed by treating benzenediazonium chloride with SnCl2, HCl, and Na2S.
