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In which of the following pairs A is more stable than B?








A B P h 3 C . ( C H 3 ) 3 C .

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The correct Answer is:D

To determine which of the following pairs has A being more stable than B, we will analyze each option based on the stability of free radicals and the effects of hybridization, resonance, and steric factors.

1. Analyze Option A: Cyclohexane vs. Methyl-substituted Cyclohexane
- A: Cyclohexane (C6H12)
- B: Methyl-substituted Cyclohexane (C6H11-CH3)
- In this case, we are comparing a secondary free radical (methyl-substituted) with a tertiary free radical (if we assume the methyl group is on a carbon that makes it tertiary).
- Tertiary radicals are more stable than secondary radicals due to hyperconjugation and inductive effects.
- Conclusion: B is more stable than A.

2. Analyze Option B: Three-membered Ring vs. Six-membered Ring
- A: Three-membered ring (less stable due to angle strain)
- B: Six-membered ring (more stable due to less strain)
- Six-membered rings are generally more stable than three-membered rings due to less angle strain and torsional strain.
- Conclusion: B is more stable than A.

3. Analyze Option C: Cyclohexane Radical vs. SP2 Hybridized Radical
- A: Cyclohexane radical (sp3 hybridized)
- B: SP2 hybridized radical
- SP2 hybridized radicals are less stable than sp3 hybridized radicals due to the increased s-character in sp2 (33% vs. 25% in sp3), leading to higher energy and less stability.
- Conclusion: B is more stable than A.

4. Analyze Option D: Phenyl Radical vs. Tertiary Carbon Radical
- A: Phenyl radical (C6H5-CH)
- B: Tertiary carbon radical (C(CH3)3)
- The phenyl radical is stabilized by resonance from the three benzene rings, which provides significant stabilization.
- The tertiary carbon radical is stabilized by hyperconjugation but lacks the resonance stabilization that the phenyl radical has.
- Conclusion: A is more stable than B due to resonance stabilization.

Final Conclusion:
The only pair where A is more stable than B is in option D.
