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Name any two breeds of sheep found in India.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks for the names of two breeds of sheep that are found in India.

2. Identifying the Purpose of Rearing Sheep: In India, sheep are primarily reared for their wool, which is used to make warm clothing such as sweaters.

3. Recognizing the Importance of Wool: Wool is important because it provides insulation against cold climates, making it a valuable resource for winter clothing.

4. Listing the Breeds:
- The first breed of sheep found in India is Mecheri. This breed is primarily found in Tamil Nadu and is cultivated for its wool.
- The second breed of sheep is Chennai Red, which is also known for its fine quality of wool.

5. Final Answer: Therefore, the two breeds of sheep found in India are Mecheri and Chennai Red.
