Purification Of Colloidal Solution

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Purification of Colloidal Solution


Freshly produced colloidal solutions typically possess the impurities of electrolytes.

The  electrolytes in smaller concentrations stabilizes a sol however their presence in huge concentration tends to destabilize the colloidal solution.

Consequently, it is necessary to clean colloidal solutions by expelling the impurities of electrolytes present in them.

Following methods are commonly used for the purging of colloidal solutions (sols).


An animal membrane permits the passage of crystalloids however retains the bigger colloidal particles.

This property of animal membranes is used for the cleaning of sols. The process included is called dialysis. It might be characterized as follows.

The process of separating the impurity or foreign particles of true solution dimensions (crystalloids) from an unclean sol by means of diffusion through a suitable membrane such as material paper or cellophane film is called dialysis.

The apparatus used for the process is called dialyser. It consists of a bag composed of parchment or cellophane.

The sack is loaded up with the unclean sol to be filtered and is suspended in a tank through which unadulterated water is flowed. The impurities of electrolytes in the sol disperse out of the sack deserting unadulterated sol taken care of.


Dialysis is a slow process. In any case, it very well may be assisted by applying an electric field. Affected by electric field, the impurity ions move faster to the oppositely charged electrodes and the process gets accelerated. This process is alluded to as electrodialysis.


The pores of a normal filter paper are sufficiently big to permit the passage of both impurity particles as well as colloidal particles. Along these lines, a normal filter paper can't be used for expelling the impurities of electrolytes from a impurity sol.

In any case, if the pore size of normal filter paper is diminished, it very well may be used for separating the impurities from impurity sols.  This is accomplished by treating a conventional Filter paper with collodion or gelatin followed by its solidifying by dunking it in formaldehyde solution.

This treatment shrinks the pore size and enables it to stop the passage of colloidal particles through it. Filter papers thus acquired are called ultrafilters.  The procees of filtration through ultrafilters is known as ultrafiltration.  In ultrafiltration, the ultrafilter is maintained over a wire mesh and the impurity sol is flowed over it.

The electrolytes (impurity particles) pass through the ultrafilter while the bigger colloidal particles are held. The process is quite slow. In any case, it very well may be sped up by applying pressure on sol side or by using a suction siphon on the filtrate side.

By using a series of evaluated ultrafilters, impurities of various size can easily be expelled, and  colloidal particles of various size can be separated from each other.


It involves the separation of colloidal particles from the impurities by centrifugal force. The impurity sol is taken in a cylinder and the cylinder is put in a ultra-rotator. The cylinder is pivoted at high speeds.  By virtue of this, the colloidal particles settle down at the base of the cylinder and the impurities stay in the solution.  This solution is named as centrifugate. The settled colloidal particles are expelled from the cylinder and are blended in with a fitting dispersing medium. Thus, the unadulterated sol is acquired.

Dialysis is used for the separation of crystalloids from a colloid by filtration or diffusion through material paper or creature membrane. The apparatus utilized for this purpose is called dialyser. This process is based on the way that membranes contain small pores through which just dissolved molecules and ions of the genuine solution can pass promptly.

The Graham dialyser consists of an empty chamber open at the two ends, more than one finish of which a membrane is tied. The colloidal solution to be dialysed is set right now is then suspended in an enormous vessel containing streaming distilled water. Following several hours all the molecules or ions of the crystalloid pass however the membrane deserting unadulterated colloidal solution.

This process is slow, however it very well may be revived some what by using heated water or by employing an electric field if the substance in solution is an electrolyte and expelled under electric field then it is known as electro-dialysis. Right now, ions of electrolyte promptly pass through the membrane because of electrostatic draw of oppositely charged electrodes.

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Classification of Colloids

Contingent on the idea of interactions between dispersed phase and the dispersion medium, the colloidal solutions can be classified into two types as (a) Lyophilic and (b) Lyophobic sols.

Lyophilic colloids (water adoring) :

Substances such as proteins, starch and elastic whose molecules are sufficiently enormous to be close to the lower furthest reaches of colloidal range pass promptly into colloidal state at whatever point blended in with suitable solvent. Thus these colloids have strong association with the dispersion medium and are called lyophilic colloids (hydrophilic when continuous phase is water)

"The colloidal solutions where the particles of the dispersed phase have an extraordinary proclivity for the dispersion medium, are called lyophilic collodis."

Lyophobic colloids (water warming) :

Substance such as arsenic sulfide, ferric hydroxide, gold and different metals, which are sparingly soluble and whose molecules are a lot smaller than the lower colloidal cutoff, change into colloidal state by conglomeration of numerous individual molecules. "These substances; in this manner, don't pass into colloidal state promptly and are called lyophobic colloids (hydrophobic when continuous phase is water)."

"The colloidal solutions wherein there is no proclivity between particles of the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium are called lyophobic colloids."

Hemi dialysis:

Here blood of such patients is cleaned by fake machines whose kidneys are harmed or mal working.

Ultra filtration:

Here colloids are separated from crystalloids with the assistance of ultra channel papers. Which are gotten by treating simple channel paper with gelatin or collodion so, that the pores become less or limited in size through which just crystalloid particles can pass.


Here impurities are expelled from colloids with the assistance of a machine of rapid called outward machine. Here colloids settle down while impurities stay in rotator.

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