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State the significance of numbers 6 and 6,6 in the polymer names nylon -6 and nylon 6,6. or in nylon 6,6 what does the designation 6,6 mean ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Nylon-6:
- Nylon-6 is a type of synthetic polymer that is formed through the polymerization of a single type of monomer known as caprolactam.
- The number "6" in Nylon-6 signifies that the monomer (caprolactam) contains six carbon atoms.

2. Understanding Nylon-6,6:
- Nylon-6,6 is a different type of polymer that is formed through the condensation polymerization of two different monomers.
- The two monomers used in the formation of Nylon-6,6 are:
- Hexamethylenediamine: This monomer has a chain of six carbon atoms (NH2-(CH2)6-NH2).
- Adipic Acid: This monomer also has a chain of six carbon atoms (HOOC-(CH2)4-COOH).
- The designation "6,6" indicates that each of the two monomers contains six carbon atoms.

3. Significance of the Numbers:
- In summary, the number "6" in Nylon-6 indicates the presence of six carbon atoms in the single monomer used for its synthesis.
- The designation "6,6" in Nylon-6,6 indicates that both monomers used in its synthesis contain six carbon atoms each, leading to a polymer that is more complex and has different properties compared to Nylon-6.
