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The nature of foces involved in physical adsorption are ………..

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Physical Adsorption:
Physical adsorption, also known as physisorption, is a process where molecules adhere to a surface through weak intermolecular forces.

2. Identifying the Forces:
The forces involved in physical adsorption are primarily van der Waals forces. These are weak forces that arise due to temporary dipoles that occur when electron clouds around atoms fluctuate.

3. Types of Van der Waals Forces:
- Dispersion Forces: These are caused by the momentary distribution of electron density in molecules, leading to temporary dipoles.
- Dipole-Dipole Interactions: These occur between polar molecules that have permanent dipoles.
- Dipole-Induced Dipole Forces: These arise when a polar molecule induces a dipole in a nonpolar molecule.

4. Characteristics of Physical Adsorption:
- It is generally reversible.
- It occurs at lower temperatures compared to chemical adsorption.
- The heat of adsorption is relatively low (typically less than 40 kJ/mol).

5. Conclusion:
The nature of the forces involved in physical adsorption is primarily van der Waals forces, which include dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interactions, and dipole-induced dipole forces.

