Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

The number of significant figures present in 0.0200 is ………………whereas number of significant figures in a dozen (12) is………………… .

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To determine the number of significant figures in the number 0.0200 and in a dozen (12), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Analyze the number 0.0200
1. Identify the non-zero digits: In 0.0200, the non-zero digit is '2'.
2. Identify the leading zeros: The zeros before the '2' (i.e., 0.0) are not significant. They serve only as placeholders.
3. Identify the trailing zeros: The zeros after the '2' (i.e., the two zeros after '2') are significant because they come after a decimal point and a non-zero digit.

Conclusion for 0.0200:
- The significant figures are the '2' and the two trailing zeros, which gives us a total of 3 significant figures.

Step 2: Analyze the number in a dozen (12)
1. Understand the concept of a dozen: A dozen is defined as exactly 12 items.
2. Recognize that counting numbers (like 12) are considered to have infinite significant figures because they are exact values without uncertainty.

Conclusion for a dozen (12):
- The number of significant figures in a dozen is considered infinite.

Final Answer:
- The number of significant figures in 0.0200 is 3.
- The number of significant figures in a dozen (12) is infinite.

