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The s-block elements are characterised by their larger atomic sizes, lower ionisation enthalpies, invariable +1 oxidation state and solubilities of their oxosalts. In the light of these features describe the nature of their oxides, halides and oxosalts.

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1. Introduction to S-Block Elements:
- S-block elements include Group 1 (alkali metals) and Group 2 (alkaline earth metals) in the periodic table. They are characterized by their larger atomic sizes, lower ionization enthalpies, invariable +1 oxidation state (for Group 1), and the solubility of their oxosalts.

2. Nature of Oxides:
- S-block elements form ionic oxides due to their low ionization energies and larger atomic sizes.
- Group 1 Oxides:
- Lithium (Li) forms lithium oxide (Li₂O).
- Sodium (Na) primarily forms sodium peroxide (Na₂O₂) and sodium oxide (Na₂O) in smaller quantities.
- As we move down the group, larger elements like potassium (K) predominantly form superoxides (KO₂).
- Basic Nature:
- The oxides of S-block elements are highly basic in nature.

3. Nature of Halides:
- The general formula for the halides of alkali metals is MX, where M represents the metal and X represents the halogen.
- Lithium Halides:
- Lithium forms covalent halides due to its small size and high polarizing power, making them less soluble compared to other alkali metal halides.

4. Nature of Oxosalts:
- Oxosalts include carbonates and sulfates, with a general formula of M₂CO₃ for carbonates.
- Oxosalts are formed when the hydrogen in oxoacids (like carbonic acid, H₂CO₃) is replaced by a metal ion.
- Stability:
- Most oxosalts are stable, except lithium carbonate (Li₂CO₃), which is unstable due to lithium's high polarizing power.
- Other Characteristics:
- S-block elements form solid bicarbonates (MHCO₃), colorless nitrates (Mn(NO₃)₂), which are water-soluble and electrovalent.

Summary of Properties:
- Oxides: Ionic, basic, with varying types (oxides, peroxides, superoxides) based on the group.
- Halides: Generally ionic (MX), with lithium forming covalent halides due to its small size.
- Oxosalts: Stable (except Li₂CO₃), formed from oxoacids, and include carbonates and bicarbonates.

Updated on:18/9/2024

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