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Using IUPAC norms write the systematic names of the [ P t ( N H 3 ) 4 C l ( N O 2 ) ] C l

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To systematically name the coordination compound (Pt(NH)Cl(NO))Cl using IUPAC norms, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Coordination Entity
The coordination entity consists of the central metal atom (platinum) and the ligands attached to it. In this case, the ligands are:
- Four ammonia molecules (NH₃)
- One chloride ion (Cl)
- One nitrito ion (NO₂)

Step 2: Determine the Oxidation State of the Central Metal
Let the oxidation state of platinum (Pt) be \( x \). The charges of the ligands are as follows:
- Each NH₃ is neutral (0 charge).
- The chloride ion (Cl) has a charge of -1.
- The nitrito ion (NO₂) has a charge of -1.

The overall charge of the coordination complex is +1 (due to the external Cl⁻). Therefore, we can set up the equation:
\( x + 0 + (-1) + (-1) = +1 \)
This simplifies to:
\( x - 2 = 1 \)
Thus, \( x = +3 \). Therefore, platinum is in the +3 oxidation state.

Step 3: Name the Ligands in Alphabetical Order
According to IUPAC naming conventions, ligands are named in alphabetical order regardless of their quantity. The ligands present are:
- Amine (NH₃) → named as "ammine"
- Chloride (Cl) → named as "chlorido"
- Nitrito (NO₂) → named as "nitrito"

In alphabetical order, we have:
1. Amine (ammine)
2. Chlorido
3. Nitrito

Step 4: Count the Number of Each Ligand
- There are four ammonia ligands, so we use the prefix "tetra".
- There is one chloride ligand, so we simply use "chlorido".
- There is one nitrito ligand, so we use "nitrito".

Step 5: Combine the Names of the Ligands
Putting it all together, we write:
- Tetraammine (for four NH₃)
- Chlorido (for one Cl)
- Nitrito (for one NO₂)

Step 6: Name the Central Metal and Indicate the Oxidation State
The central metal is platinum (Pt), and since we determined its oxidation state to be +3, we write it as "platinum(III)".

Step 7: Name the Anion
The anion outside the coordination sphere is a chloride ion (Cl⁻), which is simply named "chloride".

Final Systematic Name
Combining all parts, the full IUPAC name of the compound (Pt(NH)Cl(NO))Cl is:
Tetraamminechloridonitrito-platinum(III) chloride.

Updated on:18/9/2024

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