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What are medicines or drugs? Name the two types

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Medicines or Drugs:
- Medicines or drugs are substances that are used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent diseases. They can alter physiological processes in the body and are essential in the treatment of various health conditions.

2. Types of Medicines or Drugs:
- There are several types of medicines or drugs, but they can generally be categorized into two main types:
- Antipyretics: These are drugs that help to lower body temperature in case of fever. They are used to relieve fever symptoms.
- Example: Paracetamol is a common antipyretic used to reduce fever.
- Analgesics: These are drugs that relieve pain. They work by blocking pain signals in the brain or by reducing inflammation.
- Example: Aspirin is a well-known analgesic that is used to alleviate pain, including headaches.
